by IAB | Jun 30, 2023 | IAB 04, IAB Artists 2023, latest, latest, news, news
Due to great public interest, and by request of the partners and the curators, Christoph Doswald and Paolo Bianchi, we are very pleased to announce that the 4th Industrial Art Biennial, organized by Labin Art Express XXI, which was due to end on June 30, has been...
by IAB | Jun 26, 2023 | IAB 04, latest, latest, latest, news, news, news
Ovdje možete provjeriti sve IAB04 lokacije i radna vremena / Here you can find details of all IAB04 locations and visiting times.
by IAB | Jun 26, 2023 | from the media, IAB 04, latest, news, news
“Die vierte Biennale für Industrial Art in Istrien trägt den Titel «Landscapes of Desire». Kuratiert wurde sie von Christoph Doswald und Paolo Bianchi. Sie begaben sich auf eine Reise durch ein vertrautes und doch unbekanntes Terrain.” Susanna Koeberle...
by IAB | Mar 14, 2023 | IAB Artists 2023, latest, news, Umjetnici
Lara Almarcegui ● Cristian Andersen ● Charlie Billingham ● Vanessa Billy ● Werner Feiersinger ● Fernanda Figuieiredo ● Clare Goodwin ● Tatjana Gromača ● Igor Grubić ● Manaf Halbouni ● Raphael Hefti ● Gregor Hildebrandt ● Christian Jankowski ● Nikita Kadan ● Sandra...
by IAB | Feb 20, 2023 | IAB Artists 2023, latest, Umjetnici
We are delighted to announce the full participant list for the 4. Industrial Art Biennial. This edition of the Industrial Art Biennial titled “Landscapes of Desire” has a strong focus on interventions in public space. The curators Christoph Doswald and Paolo Bianchi...